Hello! I'm Bo Allen.

Bo Allen - Full Stack Dev, Etc.

Full Stack Developer

I have extensive experience with full-stack web development, primarily on the LAMP stack. I've built numerous performant and maintainable custom web applications and business systems that have powered production ecommerce processes for years.

I enjoy and work with other languages and technologies as well, such as Go, Python, Node.js, MongoDB, and Lua.

I have been doing web design and development for 26 years.

Check out my work.

Game Developer

Mazetoobig PICO-8 Game

I like making games. You'll find my games (and other side projects) at bitwisecreative.com.

The image to the left is actually a self-contained game cartridge for my favorite game engine, PICO-8!

I've participated in a couple game jams, and have created other games and game templates.

I'm working on bigger game projects with the Godot game engine.


Botious Music

I like writing music. Although I've been writing songs for decades, I didn't release anything until 2020.

My best physical instrument is the drums, but I can also play the guitar, bass, and piano. I can even sing, kind of, I think...

I write all my music with a midi keyboard and the Reason DAW.

Radbo Music - Kick Ass Music

Family Man

I love my family far more than anything else in the world!!!

Family first - at the cabin Family first - at the lake Corn Cob Cam Corn Cob Mif

UnBaheubee on the swing
"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."
~Calvin Coolidge
animated rupees